Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Community of Practice

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder’s Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL)

Project: Design & implement a “just-in-time” community of practice series focused on A.I. in higher education

Year(s): 2023-Ongoing

Role:  Project Lead

Major Responsibilities: Conceptualize and co-design sessions; Develop and deploy marketing collateral; Produce and host virtual events; Design, deploy and manage post-series survey.

Process: Design , Develop, Produce + Deploy

Conceptualize & co-design sessions: Collaborate with the CTL A.I. committee to identify initial session topics and subject matter experts (SMEs); Support SMEs to develop content and presentation that fits within the CoP model.

Develop & deploy marketing collateral: Collaborate (on short notice) with the CTL communications coordinator to develop and publish event; Rallied CTL team of 14 people to deploy targeted outreach to their campus networks to ensure awareness about this “just-in-time” CoP series.

Produce & host virtual events: Develop opening/closing remarks and slide deck, relevant community ice breakers, and facilitator introductions; Test and manage technical flow of virtual CoPs hosted on Zoom; Welcome participants, facilitate ice breaker, deliver opening remarks, introduce facilitators; Serve as “Zoom jockey” while deploying surveys, managing break-out rooms, and monitoring chat and Q&A.

Design, deploy & manage post-series survey: Collaborate with a CTL assessment specialist to design an anonymous post-series survey; Deploy survey to all participants in a timely manner; Monitor survey progress; Collect and co-analyze data with the CTL A.I. committee; Use community insights to iterate future A.I. CoP series.


  • CU Boulder CTL hosted three virtual, campus-wide CoPs in fall 2023 focused on topics ranging from teaching and learning with A.I., A.I. and Assessment, and a Student Perspectives on A.I. panel.
  • Series had some of the highest participation rates of any fall 2023 CTL offering with attendance ranging from from 25-45 participants per session.
  • Follow-up communications were deployed post each session to provide participants with a presentation slide deck, presentation recording, and a list of resources shared by the community during the session.
  • An anonymous feedback survey was deployed to all participants post-series. As of December 2023, the survey is live.
  • CU Boulder CTL hosted two virtual, campus-wide CoPs in spring 2024 focused on topics Ethics of A.I. and hands-on application of A.I. teaching and learning tools. A May A.I. community open mic is currently in development.
  • A new season of the A.I. CoP is in the planning stages for academic year 2024-25 with topics ranging from A.I., Misinformation & the Election to Navigating Sentiments About A.I. within Your Departmental Culture