Cultivating Cross-Sector Dialogue

Organization: Cultivation Center is a small consulting shop that affects change by championing good business and social impact.

Project: Develop a multi-year, interactive luncheon series for social impact leaders across multiple business sectors.

Year(s): 2014-2016

Role: Communications & Connections Director + Project Lead

Major Responsibilities: Identify + execute themes, Lias with host sites, Design + deploy event communications, Cultivate participants, Event coordination + facilitation

Participants in a luncheon conversation

Process: Research. Design + Deploy. Capacity Building.

Research: Identify + develop relevant discussion topics; Design, deploy + analyze participants surveys; Design + conduct participant semi-structured interviews

Design + Deploy: Curate + disseminate discussion topic pre-work; Develop discussion agenda + facilitate group dialogue;  Design + disseminate event communications; Identify + “leverage” event champion recruiters; Design + deploy meaningful + timely event follow-up

Capacity Building: Assess + ensure internal capacity to deliver high-quality event experience; Resource individual participant interests for capacity-building via discussion topics

Example Luncheon Themes: The Why, How, and Who of Storytelling (on Behalf of Your Organization); Staying Nimble in an Era of Hyperchange; Be Bold or Hold Back? The Drive Behind Speaking Your Mind; The Path to Meaningful Partnerships and Collaborations; Being Awesome: Building the Best Organizational Culture