ASSETT Innovation Incubator Brand & Marketing

Folk art painting of village rooftops

Organization: University of Colorado’s ASSETT (Arts & Sciences Support of Education Through Technology) Department

Project: Develop a brand, marketing materials, and communications strategy for an experimental innovation incubator.

Year(s): 2019-Ongoing

Role:  Project Lead

Major Responsibilities: Conceptualize, co-design, and test brand; Develop marketing and communications products and collateral; Develop and deploy marketing strategy

Process: Design , Develop, Produce + Deploy

Conceptualize, Design & Test Brand: Collaborate with visual design partners to conceptualize visual collateral that represents the purpose and outcomes of the project; Test the brand with stakeholders, Ensure evolution of the brand over time for best fit for new marketing strategies and communications.

Develop products & collateral: Develop marketing, communications, and community engagement “products” ranging from podcasts, speaker series, to articles. Scaled all to reach broad audience across campus, CU system, and the general public.

Develop & deploy marketing strategy: Develop and deploy yearly marketing strategy to reach multiple target audiences and strategic partners.
